User Agreement

Effective as of December 27, 2023

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) regulates the relations between AvantaTrading, LLC (hereinafter referred to as Atopic Dermatitis School "AtopicSchool", or the Administration) on the one hand, and the User of the Website on the other hand. The Website of the School of Atopic Dermatitis "AtopicSchool" is not a mass media.

By using the Website, you agree to the terms of this Agreement.If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement, do not use the Atopic Dermatitis School "AtopicSchool" Website (!

1. General Provisions

1.1. Herein, and in the resulting or related relations of the Parties, the following terms and definitions shall apply:

a) The Platform shall mean software and hardware integrated with the Administration's Website;

b) the User shall mean a capable individual who has joined this Agreement in their own interest or acting on behalf of and in the interests of the legal entity represented by them;

c) the Administration's Website/ Website shall mean Internet sites hosted in the domain and its subdomains;

d) the Service shall mean a set of services and a license provided to the User using the Platform;

e) the Agreement shall mean this agreement with all additions and amendments thereto;

f) Registration on the Website is a free, voluntary procedure on the part of the User, which means the Users entering information about themselves into the database using the registration form.

g) Account (User Account) shall mean an account containing the information necessary to identify the User when connecting to the system, the information for authorization and accounting. This is the user ID (login, e-mail) and the User's password.

1.2. The User's use of the Service in any way and in any form within its declared functionality, including:

  • viewing materials posted on the Website;
  • registration and/or authorization on the Website,
  • posting or display of any materials on the Website, including but not limited to: texts, hypertext links, images, audio and video files, information and/or other data,
  • creation of a contract under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 437 and 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.3. To use the Website, the User shall register at

1.4. After registration, the User receives a unique Account and access to the Personal Account.

1.5. All actions performed in the Personal Account are considered to be performed by the User personally.

1.6. The User is solely responsible for:

a) safety of the User's login and password.

b) consequences in case of loss and/or disclosure of login and password to third parties.

1.7. The information posted on the Website is provided for reference only; it should not be considered as medical advice and in no case it shall replace consultation or treatment by a qualified doctor.

1.8. By registering on the Website, the Users confirm their consent to receive information letters. This consent to receive information letters can be withdrawn by the User by means of a notification to the Administration via e-mail to the Administration's e-mail address marked "Withdrawal of consent to receive informational letters".

1.9. By registering on the Website or using the opportunity to post or transmit any information on the Website, the User confirms consent to the processing of personal data. The User's consent is free, specific, informed and conscious. Any personal data submitted in connection with the User's use of the Website shall be subject to the Privacy Policy terms (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy, the Policy, and the Personal Data Processing Policy) posted at , which is included in this Agreement by reference.

2. Use of the Website

2.1. Hereby, the Administration grants the User a non-exclusive license to use the Website solely for personal non-commercial use. As a condition of the User's use of this Website, the User guarantees the Administration that he/she will not use the Website for any purposes that are illegal or prohibited by this Agreement. The User may not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse engineer any software or technology underlying the Website or made available through the Website, except as permitted by the applicable law.

2.2. The content of the Website may not be distributed, modified, reproduced or used in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Administration.

2.3. If the User violates any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, the User's permission to use this Website shall be automatically terminated.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties

3.1. The User shall have the right to:

  • search for information on the Website
  • receive information on the Website
  • use the information of the Website for personal non-commercial purposes

3.2. The Administration shall have the right to:

  • at its discretion and in case of need, create, modify or cancel rules
  • restrict access to any information on the Website
  • create, modify, or delete information
  • send newsletters to the Users registered (who created an Account) on the Website
  • delete Users' accounts

3.3. The User shall undertake to:

  • ensure the accuracy of the information provided
  • ensure the safety of personal data from access by third parties
  • not disrupt the functionality of the Website
  • not create multiple accounts on the Website, if they actually belong to the same person
  • not transfer their account and/or login and password of their account to third parties
  • not register an account on behalf of or in the name of another person, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • not use scripts (programs) for automated collection of information and/or interaction with the Website and its Services
  • not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or otherwise transform any software or technology underlying the Website or provided through the Website, except as permitted by the applicable law.

3.4. The Administration shall undertake to:

  • maintain the Website functionality, except in cases when it is impossible for reasons beyond the control of the Administration.
  • provide comprehensive protection of the User's Account
  • provide all available information about the User to the authorized state authorities in cases established by law

4. Responsibility of the Parties

4.1. The Administration shall not be responsible for discrepancies between the services expected by the User and the services actually received.

4.2. The Administration shall not bear any responsibility for the services provided by third parties.

4.3. The Administration shall not bear any responsibility to the Users or third parties for changes, restrictions or termination of access to the Website.

4.4. In the event of a force majeure situation (hostilities, state of emergency, natural disaster, etc.), the Administration does not guarantee safety of the information posted by the User, as well as it does not guarantee an uninterrupted operation of the information resource.

5. Accuracy of Information

5.1. Despite the fact that the Administration makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the information posted on this Website is correct, the Administration shall not guarantee the correctness and accuracy of the information posted on the Website. The Website may contain typos, inaccuracies or other errors. In case of typos, inaccuracies or other errors, please inform the Administration. The information contained on the Website is subject to change or update without prior notice.

6. Intellectual Property

6.1. All materials (video, audio, images and text) published on this Website are copyrighted and together with any other intellectual property contained in such materials belong to the Administration and other individuals or legal entities. No part of this Website may be copied, re-published, publicly used, broadcast, downloaded, distributed, modified or used in any way in general, without the prior written permission of the Administration and other copyright holders.

6.2. Any messages or materials of any type (with the exception of personal data that uniquely identify the User's identity and are subject to the Privacy Policy) that the User sends to the Administration by e-mail, mail, transmits via instant messaging systems (messengers) or transmits through the Website, including questions, comments, suggestions and other data and information, shall be considered non-confidential. The User shall grant the Administration a non-exclusive, perpetual, gratuitous, global, irrevocable license to reproduce, transmit, display, disclose or otherwise use messages on the Website or elsewhere for business purposes. The Administration shall be entitled to use any ideas, concepts, methods or know-how in User communications for any purpose, including, but not limited to, the development and use of products and services.

7. Terms of the Agreement

7.1. This Agreement shall come into force for any use of this Website.

7.2. This Agreement shall be valid indefinitely until replaced by a new version.

7.3. The Administration reserves the right to unilaterally change this Agreement at its discretion.

7.4. The Administration does not notify users about any changes to the Agreement.